Tuesday, December 17, 2019

HTML Easy Notes


Hyper Text Mark-Up Language


    HTML: Hypertext Mark-Up Language
    HTML is the standard Language that web uses for creating and recognizing Hypermedia.  HTML is widely praised for its ease of use.  Web documents are typically written in HTML and named with the suffix .html.  HTML documents are nothing more than standard 7-bit ASCII files with formatting codes that contains information about the :-

    Document Titles,
    Lists and
    Hyperlinks also.

    HTML documents are platform independent i.e. it can be runnable on any terminal, on any web browser.

    How to create HTML document?
    Almost all documents on the web are in HTML format.  HTML file can be created with any text editor like word pad or notepad with the suffix .html. We can execute HTML files on any web browser after its creation.. When anybody opens a first page of that document gets displayed.  That page is known as the home page or the index page.  It contains Logo of that organization to which this site belongs.  Home page also displays a lot of other parameters and information.

    There are four basic elements of an HTML documents they are:-

    1)                    Headings
    Contains the heading of the page as “Welcome to My-Site” etc

    2)                    Paragraphs
    Contains actual information that the site owner wants to impart to viewer.  There can be one or more paragraphs on each page of that document.

    3)                    Lists
    Contains key points which have links to actual information in that document.

    4)                    Address
    Contains address of the site owner i.e. organization or individual.  It also has some links.  Which helps the viewer to:-

    1)      Go to Home Page.
    2)      Execute Search Operation.
    3)      View Copy-right information.

    For Example:-
    Consider the Following Web Page.


    HTML mark-ups or tags are required to be used in pairs.  We need to specify an opening tag at the beginning of the operation and a closing tag at the end of the operation.  Opening tag is represented as < > while closing tag begins with </ and ends with >.

    For example:
    For body section opening tag can be represented as <BODY> and closing tag is represented as </BODY>.  In few cases closing tags can be optional.

    Basic Sections of an HTML Document.
    HTML documents can be divided into three basic sections:-

    ·                                <HTML>
    ·                                <HEAD>
    ·                                <BODY>

    Body tags:-
    Boundaries of an HTML documents are defined by HTML tags.  <HTML> , </HTML>.  The text scripts, images etc are accommodated within these two tags.

    For example:-
    Hey!! Welcome to the World of HTML documents.  This is the Body Section of HTML document.  There are some more things to go……………

    HEAD Tags:
    Title for that document is specified under Head section.  The title you specified appears in a heading area when document is viewed using a browser.

    The TITLE name should be meaningful and precise.  It is important because many times web-users mark the important sites using Book-marks.  And the browsers use ‘title’ to store that book-mark.  Book-marking is followed quite often by regular-net users.

    Title also plays an important role when user performs a ‘Search’ operation.  When a user executes a Search command with a keyword.  Search operation displays the sites containing the ‘keyword’ and also gives a one or two line description about it.  Title for the home page is generally the name of the organization, or an individual who owns the site.

    For example:-
    <TITLE> xyz Limited</TITLE>
    Hey this is the Internet Session…….
    Welcome to xyz Limited..
    - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
    - - -- - - - - - - - -- -

    Meta Element
    It is used to present document META- information like information about the document itself.  It consist of META tag.

    For Example:
    <META NAME = “Copyright” CONTENT = “&copy: 1997”>
    <META NAME = “LastModified ” CONTENT = “Sandhya Chatarji”>
    <META NAME = “Color” CONTENT = “Red”>

    Body Tags
    You can enter text, Scripts, Images etc. between two body tags, <BODY>, </BODY>

    For example:-
    <TITLE> Body Section </TITLE>
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Hey this is the Internet Session…….
    Welcome to Leena’s Software Education Services.
    We are Learning what is the Body Tag.
    This Text is Written in the Body Element of the HTML page.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Address Element:
    The <ADDRESS> element is used to display the address and contact information of the owner.  It is displayed at the end of the page and may contain the following:
    ·        A Link to Home Page.
    ·        A Search String feature.
    ·        Copyright Information.

    For Example:
    <TITLE> Address Element </TITLE>
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Hey this is the Internet Session…….
    Welcome to Leena’s Software Education Services.
    We are Learning what is the Body Tag.
    This Text is Written in the Body Element of the HTML page.
    The Address Element is used to store Company Address etc.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    <A HREF =”some address”> Click to register for a free newsletter</A>

    Div Element:
    Division element divides the document into sections.  It consists of<DIV> and </DIV> tags.  It has the ALIGN attribute.  This element only creates a line-break of a paragraph break.  Div Tag marks the logical division in the text.  Physically there is no special effect of this tag.

    For Example:

    <TITLE> Div Element </TITLE>
    <H2><I>Getting Started with Internet Explorer. </I></H2>
    Hey this is the Internet Session…….
    With an Internet Connection and Internet Explorer, we can find and view information about anything on the web. 
    <H2><I>Basic Set Up</I></H2>
    <DIV> If you are not connected to the Internet or you want to create a new Connection then First Establish an Internet Connection

    <TITLE>Hello World!!
    Hello World!!!!!!
    Welcome to Sandhyashree Sports Group………
    The Sports Group At Thane

    The Sports Group At Thane
    High Friends!!!!!!
    <P>Welcome to Sandhyashree Sports Group………
    The way to your success, is come through the Sports only <BR> and Every Body should need this for life prosperity.
    <P>Hence come to us.  We will certainly show you the way to success and also the way to Fitness and Prosperity.


    Marquee Tag
    <MARQUEE> tag is used for scrolling the text across the web-page.  The effect of this tag is similar to scrolling Marquee Screen Saver in Windows.  To display text in a scrolling format we can place it between the tags <MARQUEE> & </MARQUEE>.

    For example:-
    <MARQUEE>Good Morning</MARQUEE>

    Paragraph Tags
    We have to specify HTML tags for starting a new paragraph or to insert  carriage return in the HTML document.

    “P” Tags
    Pair of tags <P> and </P> is used for compelling the text to begin from a new paragraph.  The closing tag </P> is optional.  Because when we specify opening tag <P> to another text it starts from a new paragraph by default.  For example:-
    <P> This is the Paragraph Beginning and the Paragraphs are the basics of each and every language</P>

    “BR” Tags
    If user want a text start from a next line <BR> tag can be used.  The text after <BR> tag begins from left margin of next line.  For Example:-
    <BR> The Line begins from here.</BR>

    Drawing  a Line
    We can draw a Horizontal Line by <HR> tag.   For Example
    <TITLE>My Computer Ltd.</TITLE>
    <H1>Pace Technology</H1>
    <P>The Technology plays a vital role in the human lives.  Without latest technology the human life is meaningless and idle.

    To adjust length of the line “width=XX%”  attribute is used.  To adjust thickness of the line “size=X” attribute is used.  Line position can be defined as ‘CENTER’, ‘LEFT’, ‘RIGHT’.  This can be done with align left/right/center attribute.

    Enhancing Web Presentation
    Tags can be used to change physical as well as Logical styles of Web pages.  This improves presentation of the site to a great extent.

    Headings are used to provide a ‘title’ in the body of the text.  There are altogether six levels of headings H1 to H6.  With a few browsers, there is a facility to define seventh heading also.  How ever use of all headings types is not necessary.  Only one headings style can be also be defined.  Headings sizes can be used as:-

    <H1>Sandhyashree Sports Group </H1>
    <H2>Sandhyashree Sports Group </H2>
    <H3>Sandhyashree Sports Group </H3>
    <H4>Sandhyashree Sports Group </H4>
    <H5>Sandhyashree Sports Group </H5>
    <H6>Sandhyashree Sports Group </H6>

    Tags can be summarized as:-
    1)                  Defining a Heading 
    =<H1> through <H6>

    Align = Center à Aligns heading to center.
    Align = Left     à Aligns heading to left.
    Align = Right   à Aligns heading to right.

    2)                  Drawing Horizontal line

    Size =X                                          (Thickness of the line)
    Width=XX%                                  (Line width % on Screen)
    Align =Center/Left/Right                 (Aligns Line)

    3)                  Inserting a carriage return 
    =<BR>, </BR>

    <BR clear =Left)                Begins text from left margin as soon as it is clear.
    <BR clear=Right)               Begins text form right margin as soon as it is clear,

    4)                  Preformatted text
    This is used when we need the text to appear in HTML document same as that of its original format.

    5)                  Increasing or Decreasing Font Size

    Size = +1--- through +4 increasing the text/font size.
    Size =  -1--- through -4 decreasing the text font size.

    6)                  Indenting selected text as a paragraph


    HTML has tags that can be used to format the document, which affects the way the text is displayed.  These tags are grouped into two categories à Physical Formatting and Logical Formatting.

    1)                  Physical Formatting
    Physical formatting are those that define or alter characteristics of the text you put tag on functions of same of the physical tags is as follows.

    <B>, </B>                                     Bold Text
    <I>, </I>                                        Italics text
    <U>, </U>                                     Underlined text
    <TT>, </TT>                                 Tele Typed text
    <BIG>, </BIG>                             Type style is larger than the normal size.
    <SMALL>, </SMALL>                Type style is smaller than the normal size.
    <STRIKE>, </STRIKE>               Displays a Line through text.
    <SUP>, </SUP>                            Super script text.
    <SUB>, </SUB>                           Sub script text.
    <CENTER>, </ CENTER>           Centers the text.
    <BLINK>, </BLINK>                  Blinking text.
    <CENTER>, </CENTER>            Centered text.

    2)                  Logical Formatting
    Logical formatting tags describe required effect of the text leaving rest everything up to the browser.  Browser used then interprets these tags and displays the effect in its own way.  Important difference between logical and physical tag is:-

    Physical tags are interpreted equally by all browsers where as Logical tags differ from browser to browser.  Logical tags are:-

    <EM>, </EM>                   Emphasized text.
    <Strong>, </ Strong >        Bold face text.
    <DFN>, </DFN>              Definated text.
    <CODE>, </CODE>         Used for extracts of program.
    <KBD>, </KBD>              Used in Plain format.
    <VAR>, </VAR>                Used for variables in program functions.
    <CITE>, </CITE>               Used for citation and references.
    <DEL>, </DEL>                            Marks deleted text.
    <INS>, </INS>                             Marks inserted text.
    < PERSONS >, </PERSONS>     Used for marking person’s name.
    < ACRONYM >, </ACRONYM>Used for marking acronyms.
    <ABBR>, </ABBR>                      Marks abbreviation.

    Special Characters                
    The special characters including symbols like less than ( < ), greater than ( > ) and so on can be printed on HTML document.  To produce these symbols escape codes have to be used.

    &quote; 100(&gt) 50 &quote;

    The beginning of an escape code is made with ampersand (&) and is ended with semicolon (;).  Some escape codes are:-

    Greater than                             ( > )                 &gt;
    Less than                                  ( < )                 &lt;
    Quotes                                     (“and”)             &quote;           
    Ampersand                               ( & )                 &amp;
    Register trademark                                           &reg;
    Non-breaking-space                                         &nbsp;

    Title Attribute
    Title Attribute provides basic advisory information about the use of a particular element.  In case of Anchors, title is useful since it provides tool tip information for the link.  If a user holds the mouse over the link long enough, a tool tip is displayed.  It comes under the <TITLE> AND </TITLE> tags.  For Example
    <A HREF = “Sandhyashree.com” TITLE = “Sandhyashree”>Sandhyashree </A>

    mailto Element
    You can make a users to send you an Email, you can include a mailto element in to your WEB page.  For Example

    HTML contains various types for describing the multiple types of lists.  Document can contain one type of listing or multiple types of listing.  They can be accommodated in a single HTML document.  Types of lists are:-

    1)                  Unordered List
    Contains items which are bulleted in a simple style in either a single or multiple columns.

    2)                  Ordered List:
    Called as numbered lists.  They have items which are numbered automatically.

    3)                  Definition List:
    Contains lists of terms and their related definitions.

    Unordered Lists
    Is the simplest type of list among all. It precedes bullets to each of the item in the list.  Type of bullet to be used is selected by using attributes with unordered list tag.  Tags used for representing unordered list are <UL>, <LI>.

    <UL> refers to unordered list.
    <LI>   refers to list items.
    Create an Unordered List with following Steps:-

    1)                  Begin <UL> tag.
    2)                  Follow <UL> tag with the name with which list to be identified.
    3)                  Enter each item, to be displayed in that list, preceded by a <LI> tag.
    4)                  After finishing inserting all the items mark end of list with </UL> tag.

    For Example
    <UL> List Heading
    <LI> No1
    <LI> No2
    <LI> No3

    We can use different list attributes to define shape of the bullets.  We also can have an attribute to format text with no bullets.  Various attributes and their functions are:-

    Attribute à Bulleted.
    List Tag
    <UL>, </UL>

    Attribute à Customize Bullets.

    List Tag
    <LI Type =Square>                 Square Bullets.
    <LI Type =Disk>                     Sphere Bullets.
    <LI Type =Circle>                   Round Bullets.

    Ordered Lists
    Ordered Lists replaces <UL> tag in the Unordered List with <OL> tag.  <OL> tag has a function similar to <UL> tag.  Numbers as they appear in an HTML document can be customized using different attributes.  We can customize an ordered list to display numbers in “Upper-Case” or “Lower-Case” “Roman” or “Arabic” numbers.  Or use alphabets as a, b, c. ….. instead of using 1, 2, 3 . . . 

    To create ordered list following steps can be used.

    1)                              Begin <OL> tag.
    2)                              Follow <OL> tag with the name with which list to be identified.
    3)                              Enter each item, to be displayed in that list, preceded by a <LI> tag.
    4)                              After finishing inserting all the items mark end of list with </OL> tag.

    For Example
    <OL> List Heading
    <LI> No1
    <LI> No2
    <LI> No3

    Different list attributes can be used to define numbering system they are:-

    Attribute:        Upper Roman
    List tag             =<LI Type = I >

    Attribute:        Lower Roman
    List tag             =<LI Type = i >

    Attribute:        Capital Letters
    List tag             =<LI Type = A >

    Attribute:        Small Letters
    List tag             =<LI Type = a >

    Attribute:        Beginning Numbers with other digit that ‘1’
    List tag             =<LI Start = N >

    Definition Lists
    Definition Lists are used for creating a list of terms and their definitions.  Glossary of various terms can be the best example of contents for this list.

    1)                  To specify heading for the terms and definitions to follow use <DL> tag. 
    2)                  To specify terms use<DT> tag
    3)                  To define its definition use<DD> tag.

    For example
    <DL> Heading
    <DT> Term 1
    <DD> Definition of Term 1

    <DT> Term 2
                            <DD> Definition of Term 2

    <DT> Term 3
                            <DD> Definition of Term 3


    In HTML documents we can create a table and table data.  The tag used for table is:-
    <TABLE>, </TABLE>

    To specify the table border we can use BORDER attribute.  Columns and width of the table can be specified with cols and width attribute.

    For example:
    <TABLE BORDER= 1 COLS = 2 WIDTH = “50%”>

    A Row to a table can be inserted with the <TR> tag and ends with the </TR> tag.  Cell contents can be specified with the <TD> tag and ends with the </TD> tag.

    For example:
    <TD> Name
    <TD> Age

    To describes the contents of the table <CAPTION> and </ CAPTION> tags are used.

    For example:
    <CAPTION>Student Details</CAPTION>

    The table heading can be given by <TH> and </TH> tags.  It creates the Heading Cells.

    For example:
    To disable default word wrapping of cell text use NOWRAP is used in a Table Cell either with <TD> or with <TH> tags.  This guarantees the text to be displayed on one Line.

    For example:
    <TH NOWRAP>Names of the Countries</TH>
    <TD NOWRAP>The United States of America</TD>
    To Merge the cells content with another cell <COLSPAN> attribute can be used.  And to merge the Rows into one another the <ROWSPAN> attribute is used.

    <TITLE>Table Attributes
    <TABLE border=1>
    <CAPTION>RowSpan Example
    <TD ROWSPAN =2>Cell No 1
    <TD>Cell No 2
    <TD>Cell No 3

    <TITLE>Table Attributes
    <TABLE border=1>
    <CAPTION>ColSpan Example
    <TD COLSPAN =2>Cell No 1
    <TD>Cell No 2
    <TD>Cell No 3
    <TD>Cell No 4

    The horizontal alignment (ALIGN) and vertical alignment (VALIGN) attributes are put to use to control alignments within a  table cell.

    The Align attributes are: LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, and AND JUSTIFY.
    The VALIGN attributes are: TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, and BASELINE.

    The Cell Spacing attribute is used to create more space between each cell in the table.
    <Table Cellspacing = “2”>

    The Cell Padding is used to increase the amount of space between the cell border and the cell data.

    <Table Cellpadding = “5”>

    For Example:
    <TITLE>Table Attributes
    <TABLE border=2 cellPadding= 5  cellSpacing = 5>
    <CAPTION>Cell Spacing and Padding
    <TH >Country

    Basically HTML documents is the linked documents.  That means these documents having the links to some other documents.  That can be created with <HREF> tag.  A Hyperlink can be attached to the text or to an image.
    For example
    <BODY BGCOLOR=”hotpink”>
    <P> This is page is linked into Main Document.</p>
    <P> Creating a Link is a opening an existing HTML File into another file.</P>

    <TITLE>XYZ Limited</TITLE>
    <BODY BGCOLOR=  “Gray”>
    <H1>WELCOME TO XYZ India Ltd.</H1>
    <P> This is page is linked into Main Document.</p>
    <P>Welcome and Good Day to All</P>

    <TITLE>Using Links in Main</TITLE>
    <BODY BGCOLOR=  “light yellow”>
    <H1> Welcome to My Home Page Friends</H1>
    <A HREF = “Abc.Html”>Clik me</A>
    <A HREF =  “XYZ.Html” img src= “deep.bmp”></A>

    Link Color
    The LINK element used to specify the relationship between links.  This element is defined in the HEAD section.  The relationship is defined using REL and REV attributes.  The REL attribute describes a “Forward” link while REV attribute describes a “Reverse link.

    <LINK rel= “Abc” HREF= “Abc.html”>
    <LINK rev= “XYZ” HREF= “Xyz.html”>
    <BODY BGCOLOR=  “light yellow”>
    <FONT COLOR = “Forestgreen” Face = “Arial”>Creating forward and Reverse Links

    The default color is blue for a LINK element so do not change the default color of the link the other color may confusing.  The other attributes of link elements are:

    ALINK Stands for active link.  When the user clicks the link the color of the link changes.

    Stands for visited link.  The default color of the visited link is pink but choice may of the users.

    <HEAD><TITLE>Using Link Colors</TITLE>
    <BODY LINK = blue ALINK = hotpink VLINK = green>
    <H1> <CENTER>Creating Links</CENTER></H1>
    <P>The Main Document.
    <A HREF = “Abc.Html”>Clik me</A>
    <BR><A HREF =  “XYZ.Html” img src= “deep.bmp”></A>

    Images as Hyper Links
    Inline images can be used as hyperlinks just like a plain text.
    For Example:
    <A HREF = “Abc.html”><IMG SRC = “UnderConstruction.gif” ALT = “[Underconstruction]”></A>

    Image Mapping
    An Image map is the active geometric regions called as Hotspots.  When the user clicks on a hot spot the link is activated.  The co-ordinates of the hot spots are determined using geometric shapes.  Shapes and co-ordinates of the hotspot area has to be specified.

    Shapes                        Description

    Default                         Specifies entire region. This is the default.
    Rect                             Specifies a Rectangular region.
    Circle                           Specifies the Circular region.
    Poly                             Specifies the Polygonal region.

    Co-ordinates               Combination
    Rect                             Left x, Top y, Right x, Bottom y.
    Circle                           Center x, Center y, Radius.
    Poly                             X1, Y1, X2, Y2……..Xn, Yn.

    For Example:
    <A id –“ImageLink” HREF = “ ” >
    <IMG SRC = “E:\SANDHYA\IMAGES\DEEP.GIF WIDTH =200 HEIGHT =190 BORDER =1 usemap = “#map1”>
    <MAP name = “map1”>
    <AREA href = “File1.html” alt = “ Contents” Shape = “rect” coords = “0,0,80,80”>
    <AREA href = “File2.html” alt = “ Search” Shape = “rect” coords = “0,80,80,163”>
    <AREA href = “File3.html” alt = “ Back” Shape = “circle” coords = “163,175,60”>
    <AREA href = “File4.html” alt = “ Order” Shape = “poly” coords = “163,0,175,28,50,50,163,0”>


    We can enhance the HTML documents by certain form methods/ objects.  The various form objects are as follows:-

    1)                  Text Field:
    We can Accept or enter the text in the user defined text field.   Text box on the document can be drawn by <INPUT TYPE = “text”>

    2)                  Password Field
    This is the same as text box field except that the text entered in this field is decoded to unreadable character tat is (*).  The Password field can be drawn as <INPUT TYPE = “password”>

    3)                  Button
    The command buttons are the for most usable object on any of the GUI application.  We can create buttons on the form and associate them with certain events.  Buttons can be drawn by <INPUT TYPE = “button”>

    4)                  Submit
    This is the same as command button the difference between this and command button is that the form is submitted for further action with this button.  The Submit buttons can be drawn by <INPUT TYPE = “submit”>

    5)                  Reset
    This is used with the association of submit button.  It is also a type of command button.  It can drawn by <INPUT TYPE = “reset”>

    6)                  Radio button
    We can create an option buttons on the HTML Document.  An option buttons are also known as Radio Button.  It can be drawn on the form by <INPUT TYPE = “radio”>

    7)                  Checkbox
    We can create a check box on the HTML document.  Check Box can be drawn by <INPUT TYPE = “checkbox”>

    8)                  Text Area
    The large amount of data can be entered using text area option. The text area can be drawn by <INPUT TYPE = “textarea”>

    For Example:
    <TITLE>Form Processing</TITLE>
    <H2 ALIGN = “CENTER”>
    Basic Form Processing<H2>
    <FORM NAME = “myForm1”>
    Your Name
    <INPUT TYPE = “Text” Name = “Text1” Size= “15”>
    Your Password
    <INPUT TYPE = “password” Name = “pass1” Size= “8”>
    <INPUT TYPE = “Button” Name = “But1” Value= “Click Me”>


    Text Box Attributes
    Text box can be added on the form or HTML document by Input Type =Text Box.  The other attributes are:-

    The name property of the text box can be used within a input type tag.  Text name property is used to indicate the text box’s name.

    We should use this property to indicate the width of the text box.  Thus text box has the name and the size attributes.

    Password Attributes
    Password field can be taken as input type = password.  It has the same attributes as text box.

    Describes the name property of the Password Field.

    Describes the width of the password field.

    Button Attributes
    Button or command button are used to give certain commands.  It is accepted on the form by Input type = “Button”.  The other attributes of the buttons are:

    Describes the name property of the command button.

    Describes the caption property of the command button.

    Check Box Attributes
    Are to be used when there are multiple choice are given.  It is taken on the form by Input type = “check box”.  The other attributes of the check boxes are:

    Describes the name property of the check box.

    Describes the caption property of the check box.

    Checked is the default selection while form is loading.  We can make certain choices to be checked while loading the form.

    Radio Button Attributes
    Radio buttons are to be used when only one of the given selections is to be clicked.  It can be created on the form by Input type =  “radio”.  The other attributes of the radio buttons are:

    Describes the name property of the radio buttons.

    Describes the caption property of the radio buttons.

    Checked is the default selection while form is loading.  That means we have to make one of the radio buttons to be checked before executing on the browser.

    Text Area Attributes
    When we need to accept the value that is larger than normal text field then text area can be used.  It can be accepted as:-<TEXT AREA>, </TEXT AREA> tags.  The other attributes of the text area are:-

    The number of the lines for text area for example Rows =”5”

    The number of characters that can be accepted in text area.  For example Cols = “40”

    For Example
    <TITLE>Students Form </TITLE></HEAD>
    <H2 ALIGN = “CENTER”>
    Students Form Processing</H2>
    <FORM NAME = “myForm1”>
    Name :
    <INPUT TYPE = “Text” Name = “Text1” Size= “15”>
    Password :
    <INPUT TYPE = “password” Name = “pass1” Size= “8”>
    Roll No :
    <INPUT TYPE = “Text” Name = “Text2” Size= “4”>
    Address :
    <Text Area Name = “Address” Rows = “4” Cols = “30” </TextArea>
    Hobbies :
    <INPUT TYPE = “checkbox” Name = “check1” value= “Reading” Checked>Reading
    <INPUT TYPE = “checkbox” Name = “check2” value= “Music”>Reading
    <INPUT TYPE = “checkbox”  Name  =  “check3” value =  “Trekking”>Trekking.
    <INPUT TYPE = “radio” Name = “radio1” value= “Male” Checked>Male
    <INPUT TYPE = “radio” Name = “radio2” value= “Female” >Female
    <INPUT TYPE = “button” Name = “but1” value= “Click Here” >


    Pull Down Menus(Combo Box)
    The pull down menu component used to select an item form a list of items given.  The drop down menu is used when one item is to be selected from a large list.

    For example:
    <TITLE>Trying Combo Box</TITLE>
    <H2 ALIGN = “CENTER”>
    <I>Select Option From Following Combo Box</I></H2>
    <P ALIGN = “CENTER”>
    <SELECT Name =  “Menu1”>

    Pull Down Menu Properties:
    <SELECT>, </SELECT> tags are used to specify the pull down menu option.

    The name property for pull down menu indicates the name of the combo box (pull down Menu)

    Option Value
    Each option’s values are to be given separately in separate tags.

    Frames enable the user to divide a page into number of rectangular regions/windows of various sizes.  Hence a frame is a window within another window.  Thus a page can have one or more frames.  The frames can divide the page so that each of the frames is a web page in itself.  That is they can access different URLs and each of these can be update independently.

    Frameset is the HTML tag used to create a framed page.  The frameset tag can have two attributes that is Rows and Columns.

    Rows specify number of horizontal windows or frames and values in the rows attribute specifies height of the frames in frameset.

    Specify number of vertical windows or frames and values in them specify width of frames in frameset.

    Example  Frames Creation (Vertical Frames)
    <FRAMESET COLS =30%,70%>

    <P>Frame A</P>

    <P>Frame B </P>

    Frames Creation (Vertical Frames)
    <FRAMESET COLS =30%,70%>
    <FRAMESET ROWS=30%,70%>

    <P>Frame C </P>

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